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Life Skills

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Psychology of Money / Financial Wellbeing

Money is something we know to commonly lead individuals to experience stress and other negative emotions. Financial wellbeing is about our individual thoughts, attitudes and behaviours towards money. These things determine our interactions with money, the decisions we make and our emotional state with respect to money.
Understanding your relationship with money can help to improve associated negative emotions. In this session, we look at understanding your relationship with money, encouraging individuals to reflect on their money habits, how money impacts other areas of life and how we can improve our financial wellbeing and emotional state in relation to money.

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Dealing with Difficult People and Situations

Learn how to communicate effectively to diffuse difficult people and situations, coming out unscathed. Learn how to avoid taking on board other people’s stuff while staying positive and happy.

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Communicating to Get What You Want.

Clearly communicate your needs and goals without treading on any toes. Ensure your message is received the way it was intended. Learn your own personal communication style. Make sure you are clear by understanding assertive versus passive versus aggressive styles. Learn to be assertive and influential.

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence has been shown to benefit our overall wellbeing, improving feelings of happiness. People who display higher levels of emotional intelligence have shown more ability to respond to change, manage stress and work more cohesively with others. Emotional intelligence can be increased with practice. This workshop will ask you to think about skills in a new way, reflect on how you learned those skills and what you have to do to keep learning. It also asks you to put information you already have to better use in understanding yourself and working more effectively with others.

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Time Management

Time: It’s always running out; it never stops and we are powerless to influence it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to manage your own time better. It won’t necessarily extend your time, but it will help you to achieve more while you are here. Developing techniques through an understanding of the cognitive processes underpinning our motivation and organisation, NewPsych can help you to “create time” for your personal goals, as well as identify when you’re at your most and least productive, and help you to better harness those moments of heightened alertness. By the end of this presentation, you will walk away working smarter, rather than harder to produce the MORE that you are capable of.

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Tools for Personal Productivity

Learn the skills necessary to be a better multitasker, manage your own time, and increase your productivity while in the office and in your person life.

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Letting Go of Guilt and Fostering Self-Compassion

In an increasingly demanding world, it can be easy to forget that we are people deserving of patience, compassion and understanding. This training involves simple, yet effective, methods to distract the brain and provide a moment of relief and kindness from the self-scrutiny we place ourselves under, all of which can be employed in everyday life, particularly while on the job.

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Habits are generally defined as a behaviour that is recurrent and happens without a lot of awareness. This training will help you identify your own habits, because knowing yourself might help you make the changes you want.

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Staying Calm

Typically, the phrase “stay calm” is paradoxical, for every minute you spend trying to “stay calm” you usually only end up stressing yourself out more. But the importance of staying calm and reducing your distress cannot be overstated. Stress isn’t just exhausting mentally, but it is accelerating our physical aging as well. Using techniques and methods developed in house, NewPsych will change the way you think about stress and show you realistic techniques you can use to help you stay calm.

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Resilient Living

A short series of courses which encourages a resilient mindset. You will learn your own reliance IQ, as well as building resilience, including the 10 keys for resilient living.

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