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Education and Training

NewPsych has developed and delivered mental health training across diverse industries and organisations, working proactively with the business to identify and address any wellbeing or workplace concerns. Rather than a generic training approach, we prefer to understand the culture and the specific issues the people of each business face, and then design an intervention that will be most effective for their circumstances. We have targeted our training to leaders and staff, and find innovative ways to make workplaces healthier and more effective. 

See our catalogue of ‘off the shelf’ sessions below, which we adapt to your needs. Alternatively, we can work with you to develop something tailor-made for your people.

Contact our External Relations Officer Diane today to see what training solutions we can provide for your business.


That was really fascinating and illuminating.

Thank you so much!

I learnt so much in this session from other leaders and from the presenter, who has extensive knowledge about mental health. Highly recommended and, most importantly, could save a life.

Another awesome insight into life – thank you so much!

These sessions are great!
Thanks Dr Kristen and thanks WHS team for organising these.


Monday to Thursday: 8am – 8pm

Friday: 8am – 5pm

T    (02) 4926 5005  

F    (02) 4927 0915


24/7 phone support is available for EAP clients in need of urgent assistance

If NewPsych is your EAP provider, call

(02) 4926 5005 and press #1 for our

after-hours psychologist


Face-to-face psychological services provided Australia-wide


Level 2 and Level 4

77 Hunter Street, Newcastle NSW
(Access via Bolton Street)


Please go to the "BOOK NOW" section to book an appointment.

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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land in which NewPsych resides and we pay our respect to Elders past and present. We extend this acknowledgment and pay our respects to the traditional people of each Country NewPsych resides on and thank them for allowing us to support people on their traditional lands.

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NewPsych is committed to diversity, fairness, overcoming injustice and social inclusion: this includes Indigenous Australians, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, people of all ages, people with a disability and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

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