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Counselling at NewPsych

At NewPsych we provide counselling services for children, adolescents and adults and offer couples and family therapy (including separated and blended families or step-families). We have a diverse team of psychologists who are experienced in providing counselling for people with disabilities, First Nations Australians, and people from the LGBTQIA+ community. 


We use evidence-based practice to guide our treatment. This approach integrates the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and client values.


Our psychologists have expertise in many areas, and we provide support for a broad range of issues - virtually everything that life throws us. 

At NewPsych we offer three options for accessing counselling: 


  1. Face-to-face: Either with a psychologist at our principal practices in Newcastle or with a local member of our team near you.

  2. Telehealth: Many people are now using telehealth to see their GP and other health specialists such as their psychologist. NewPsych uses a secure platform, and telehealth allows you to choose from our whole clinical team, no matter where you live. 

  3. Phone consult: In addition to telehealth, we can also offer phone consults.

What can I expect in my first session?

It is important to us that you feel safe and supported in your first session. If you’re new to counselling, you might be wondering what to expect when you meet with a psychologist for the first time. The psychologist will ask what brought you and what you would like to achieve by coming to counselling. You might start to work on a plan to reach these goals. It’s ok if you don’t know what your goals are yet, and you may not feel better after the first session, which is mostly finding out about you, the problem you are experiencing, what you have tried and what you would like to be different.


Life is full of challenges that affect us all differently and the number of sessions will depend on things like the type of issue/s you want to work on and your goals. Much like other forms of intervention, such as physiotherapy, you might need to attend regularly for a period for real change to happen. You can discuss how often you should schedule your sessions with your psychologist.


Monday to Thursday: 8am – 8pm

Friday: 8am – 5pm


T    (02) 4926 5005  

F    (02) 4927 0915




24/7 phone support is available for EAP clients in need of urgent assistance

If NewPsych is your EAP provider, call

(02) 4926 5005 and press #1 for our

after-hours psychologist



Face-to-face psychological services provided Australia-wide



Level 2 and Level 4

77 Hunter Street, Newcastle NSW
(Access via Bolton Street)



Please go to the "BOOK NOW" section to book an appointment.

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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land in which NewPsych resides and we pay our respect to Elders past and present. We extend this acknowledgment and pay our respects to the traditional people of each Country NewPsych resides on and thank them for allowing us to support people on their traditional lands.

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NewPsych is committed to diversity, fairness, overcoming injustice and social inclusion: this includes Indigenous Australians, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, people of all ages, people with a disability and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

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