
Coaching and Mentoring
The mentor/mentee dynamic is a commonly experienced relationship within the global workforce. But how do you effectively mentor someone? How can you open yourself up to being mentored? When this relationship is maladaptive you will likely experience higher employee turnover, and poorer work performance due to inadequate training. You may also see reduced job satisfaction within the senior employees tasked with mentoring/coaching if they are ill-equipped for training others. Using the GROW framework of mentoring and coaching we will help your leaders to improve their communication skills and self-confidence to ensure their mentees are open, receptive and engaged to their teachings.

Giving and Receiving Feedback
Feedback should be used for the purpose of helping someone to improve. However, it is not easy being criticised, no matter how constructive it is. There is also a skill to giving feedback and appraisals. In this session, we will explore how to keep your feedback constructive and respectful, and how to receive feedback openly, without rising to defence.

Motivation is the driving force behind an employee’s work performance. How motivated they are to succeed and work hard will significantly influence how well they will perform. Understanding how to inspire an employer’s motivation is an essential skill in any leadership position. This training guide will teach you the psychological underpinnings of motivation so that your leaders will better understand how motivation works, and how it can be inspired and harnessed to drive results and improve the job satisfaction of employees.

Mental Health for Leaders
The new Code of Practice published by SafeWork NSW provides guidance on the duties surrounding the management of psychosocial hazards in the workplace. In light of this code and associated legal obligations imposed under Work Health & Safety Legislation, it is crucial for leaders to have an understanding of the symptoms and behaviours commonly associated with mental health problems. It is also crucial that leaders are well placed and provided with the training to address mental health concerns in the workplace and raise awareness of the EAP or other support systems available in minimising psychosocial risk.
This session provides leaders (and anyone in a management position) with the knowledge and understanding to demonstrate awareness of mental health in the workplace and provides valuable tools to help them support others and know when to seek support themselves.
The session teaches leaders how to better understand symptoms and behaviours related to mental health, as well as how to address concerns with a worker and manage psychosocial hazards in the context of their responsibilities as a leader.

Leading in Times of Change
Change is never easy, whether it’s sudden or planned. Biologically we are hardwired against change since our primitive brains still view change as a threat. Therefore, it can be very normal for individuals and teams to feel stressed or overwhelmed when an organisation undergoes a great deal of change. Using a deepened understanding of psychological functioning, NewPsych can provide strategies and skills development related to embracing and handling change within the organisation as a leader. This session also offers techniques for better managing your team throughout periods of change and increased difficulty.