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"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough".

Mae West

Jane Chidgey
Organisational Psychologist


Jane commenced her career in the steel and maritime industries initially as a Metallurgist, later in Industrial Relations and Human Resources. These challenges lead to qualifications as a psychologist, in her attempts to understand the human condition. With over 35 years of experience in both general Psychology, as well as, Organisational Psychology Jane enjoys working with adults of all ages, exploring the challenges life brings, and determining innovative coping mechanisms to deal with the ups and downs.


Especially, Jane provides practical insights and support for a wide range of conditions; including anxiety, depression, relationship and family issues, post traumatic responses, as well as, difficulties in the workplace, career and personal development. Her approach often pivots on cognitive behavioural therapy.


Besides being a registered Psychologist, Jane is a Member of the College of Organisational Psychologists, and Fellow of the Australian Human Resources Institute.


In her other life Jane is a keen sailor and can be found somewhere along the Australian east coast, preferable in an island anchorage or finding her way between them.  She loves music, art and chilling out. She and her long-term partner have four grown sons, who provide inspiration and ensure she is grounded and never out of touch with what’s new.



Monday to Thursday: 8am – 8pm

Friday: 8am – 5pm


T    (02) 4926 5005  

F    (02) 4927 0915




24/7 phone support is available for EAP clients in need of urgent assistance

If NewPsych is your EAP provider, call

(02) 4926 5005 and press #1 for our

after-hours psychologist



Face-to-face psychological services provided Australia-wide



Level 2 and Level 4

77 Hunter Street, Newcastle NSW
(Access via Bolton Street)



Please go to the "BOOK NOW" section to book an appointment.

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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land in which NewPsych resides and we pay our respect to Elders past and present. We extend this acknowledgment and pay our respects to the traditional people of each Country NewPsych resides on and thank them for allowing us to support people on their traditional lands.

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NewPsych is committed to diversity, fairness, overcoming injustice and social inclusion: this includes Indigenous Australians, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, people of all ages, people with a disability and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

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