Helping you create the life you want
NewPsych Psychologists is a team of psychologists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, couples and family therapists, and an amazing support team, working together to help people bring about change.
We're based in Newcastle, NSW and our team provides services throughout Australia.
We know that everyone experiences tough times. We also know that talking things through with a trusted professional can help you think differently and help you take action. This promotes a positive influence on your happiness and wellbeing.
Everyone has different needs. So at NewPsych we help you develop a unique solution to your particular situation. Change is sometimes difficult, but we know that people can do it, because we're privileged to see people make amazing life changes every day.
Life is busy and we all cram so much in. You might take care of everyone else and too often put yourself last. At NewPsych we make sure you take the time to look after yourself because self-care and compassion are vital to helping you do the things that are truly important to you.
So, take the first step towards building the kind of life that you really value.
This isn't just about today. It's about the rest of your life.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
NewPsych is a leading EAP provider delivering
critical response
corporate services, including education and training, manager assist, fitness for work assessments and support for organisations wanting to improve their psychological safety.
Never before has it been more important to support the mental health and wellbeing of your employees.
We are long-term members of Australia's primary EAP industry body, the Employee Assistance Professional Association of Australasia.

Our practice in central Newcastle, NSW is a natural oasis with a diverse team committed to helping people.